All schools strive for excellence in the academic area, and all schools have values. In an Anglican school, our values are more than commonly agreed, popular virtues. We strive to hold them in relation to the whole person – including, but beyond, teaching and learning, and in relation to our Anglican Identity. There is so much more to a student (or member of staff) than our knowledge and skills.
The Christian scriptures encourage excellence. The first Christians were in constant danger of persecution and were mocked and scorned by their peers. But St Paul and others, who teach and encourage them, recognize that, despite these major challenges, excellence is still possible.
Paul writes to the Philippian Christians:
Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Phil 4:8)
In today’s language, it’s a bit like saying ‘focus on the positive’, as we might suggest to someone facing challenges in school or at home. We value excellence, in the sense that we look for individual versions of excellence and try to celebrate them.
In Middle Years Chapel we recently used this Bible reading to consider different ways of being excellent, and to concentrate on what is good and right and true in the world and in our lives, based on the teaching of Jesus and the example of Paul, an early Christian leader. 8A were on duty that week and organized themselves for their roles with the expected excellence. The attached photo shows them being recognized for each of their individual excellence, and for working together to support Chapel.
Fr Toby
School Chaplain
A prayer based on Philippians 4:8
Heavenly Father, keep us from anxious thoughts. Help us to build our lives on all that is commendable and good, with the eyes of our hearts fixed on Jesus. May we dwell on those things that are excellent and worthy of praise, in Jesus' name. Amen